
Towards Open Digital Government – Tallinn Declaration, PSI Directive and Digital Europe as catalysts for Public Sector Transformation

Tue Oct 02 2018 12:00:00
02 October 2018

Public Sector Digital Transformation – From the Tallinn Declaration to a borderless government

Wed Oct 11 2017 12:00:00
11 October 2017

Research infrastructure, cloud and open innovation: How to ensure trust in global solutions?

Thu Dec 01 2016 17:00:00
01 December 2016

One Framework to rule them all?

Wed Jun 08 2016 17:00:00
08 June 2016

The Blockchain Revolution – How will it change the way we do Business and interact with Government?

Thu May 26 2016 17:00:00
26 May 2016

Intermediary liability through the back door: Consequences of extending digital copyright for the open internet

Wed Mar 16 2016 08:00:00
16 March 2016

European Software Freedom Policy Meeting

Fri Jan 29 2016 14:00:00
29 January 2016

The role of encryption in cloud computing for data privacy and security

Wed Apr 01 2015 17:00:00
01 April 2015

How to unleash the innovative potential of text and data mining in the EU?

Thu Oct 22 2015 17:00:00
22 October 2015

Open Platforms : the future of Cloud Computing ?

Thu Nov 12 2015 17:00:00
12 November 2015