OFE is glad to announce a new supporter, Nextcloud, a German company offering the industry-leading, on-premises content collaboration platform.
Nextcloud was founded in 2016 by a group of open source developers and entrepreneurs, aiming to empower users to take back control over their data and communication. By January 2018 the company had become the market leader in on-premises content collaboration platforms and continues to push forward the product in accordance with its mission and principles. Focusing on privacy, security, a 100% open source product and decentralization, Nextcloud is servicing tens of millions of users globally at governments, businesses, non-profits and private installations. Nextcloud founder Frank Karlitschek has been a fellow of OpenForum Europe for many years and today, Nextcloud itself becomes an official supporter of OFE to solidify this relationship.
We are happy to welcome Nextcloud on board to continue working for a more open digital ecosystem and infrastructures in Europe, as well as to build bridges between diverse stakeholders in the public and the private sector.