Capital Series Poland
Save the Date: OpenForum Academy Symposium 2025
*** White Paper now available ***The European Commission proposed in April 2016 a plan to put in place an infrastructure which can support Open Research Data and Open Science in Europe: the European Open Science Cloud. At the same time, the European Parliament is in the process of drafting the own-initiative report on the European […]
Registrations here On 6 October, EU ministers meet in Tallinn to formally adopt an eGovernment Declaration. This ministerial declaration aims to enable the transition towards a borderless government, and to practically support the public sector to fully grasp the benefits of the Digital Age.The vision of a public sector which can excel at the implementation of […]
Register now One year ago, 32 European countries formally signed the Tallinn eGovernment Declaration – committing to accelerating public sector digital transformation in order to build a more direct and responsive public administration founded on open standards and Open Source. Council and Parliament are on track to adopt the recast of the PSI Directive, which […]
Join GitHub, OpenForum Europe, and Red Hat at Le Grand Central for an evening on the importance of open source software to software development and to Europe. We will explain what open source software is, and talk about the fundamental role it plays in Europe's digital transformation and industrial competitiveness. We will also explain how open source software fits […]