Recording available: OFA Symposium 2021

15 December 2021

Author: Sivan Pätsch

We are glad to provide the recording of the OpenForum Academy (OFA) symposium

The symposium offered the opportunity for critical and scholarly discourse on the European Commission study on “The impact of Open Source Software and Hardware on technological independence, competitiveness and innovation in the EU economy”. The symposium will allow researchers in the field to exchange on the latest Open Source research, identify research gaps and contextualise their research with the findings from the European Commission study.

Find more information about the symposium on the event page


Session Recordings

Trio: Open Source Case Studies
11:30 – 12:45

Followed by a discussion with participants

Duo: The future of Open Source Public Policy
13:45 – 14:40

Followed by a discussion with participants

Duo: Open Source is Digital Public Infrastructure
14:40 – 15:35

Followed by a discussion with participants

Duo: Meritocracy and Open Source – Engineered Merit
15:35 – 16:30

Followed by a discussion with participants