Linux Foundation Europe Becomes OFE Supporter

03 October 2022

Author: Giulia Guadagnoli

OFE is happy to announce that the recently launched Linux Foundation Europe is joining us as a supporter. The LF has been active in Europe for a long time, but we see this new effort as yet another example that Europe is a nexus for global Open Source developments. 

“Open Source is at the heart of Europe’s collaborative culture and is a fundamental building block of its new digital reality. When looking at the world’s big challenges, from the pandemic and supply chain shortages to climate change, open innovation is stepping up and is a source of optimism. The creation of Linux Foundation Europe is an important recognition of Europe as an Open Source champion and brings more weight to the new institutional set-ups that our continent needs. OpenForum Europe is excited to join LF Europe! Together with Europe’s Open Source ecosystem, we will create the modes of collaboration at scale that are needed to find solutions to our complex problems,” OFE’s Chairman Sachiko Muto stated at the launch of LF Europe in Dublin on 14 December.

OpenForum Europe has made incredible contributions to advancing the understanding of the open source opportunity with European policy stakeholders specifically, and across the global innovator community at large. With the establishment of Linux Foundation Europe, we look forward to an even closer collaboration with OFE, one that creates new levels of knowledge, collaboration, and supports world-class innovations created right here in Europe and bringing them to a global scale.

Gabriele Columbro, Executive Director, LF Europe

OFE looks forward to working with LF Europe, as well as the broader LF ecosystem!

Earlier this year, we welcomed Sony Europe and Nextcloud as OFE supporters. If your organisation is interested in partnering with OFE, please reach out to