
OFA White Paper – Exploring the economic impact of net neutrality in Europe

December 9 2013

In defense of an innovation-friendly environment for Text and Data Mining in Europe

November 25 2013

Press release: Keeping the cloud free of private copying levies

November 25 2013

Joint communication to reject the application of private copying levies schemes to cloud services

November 25 2013

OFE launched the Open Cloud Declaration version 1

November 25 2013

In defense of an innovation-friendly environment for Text and Data Mining in Europe

November 14 2013

Cloud Drives the Future – An Open Cloud Declaration

November 14 2013

OFE Procurement Monitoring Report 2013 – 1st Snapshot

October 1 2013

OFA White Paper – Open source in mobile operating systems, a game changing model?

September 5 2013

Statement of OFE’s change of status in Licences for Europe

May 25 2013