
Round Table Report: Open Hybrid Cloud

Enabling a Competitive Multi-Vendor Market Round Table Report on ‘Open Hybrid Cloud – Enabling a competitive multi-vendor market’ prepared by OpenForum Europe (OFE) to summarise the speakers’ presentations and panel […]

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Copyright Directive Approved with Art. 11 & 13 Campaign successful: Free and Open Source Software Development Saved from Upload filters. Yesterday, the European Parliament passed the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive, including articles 11 and […]

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Release of Opinion Paper on Open Source and FRAND by OFA Fellow Simon Phipps

Why Legal Issues are the Wrong Lens to understand the Open Source and FRAND issue The question if Open Source Software can be combined with a FRAND (fair, reasonable, and […]

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Open Source Software Saved from the Copyright Directive

Despite uncertainties and controversies on the way, the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive seems to be reaching the end of the road. This week, the Member States and […]

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Event Concluded: OFE Open Hybrid Cloud Round Table on 28 February

Enabling a competitive multi-vendor market Join OpenForum Europe’s Round Table to explore how open standards and interoperability can enable a competitive multi-vendor cloud market. Coud has matured from a buzzword […]

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Open Letter: Open Source Software and the Copyright Trilogues

As part of our ongoing campaign, OpenForum Europe has, together with 30 other stakeholder organisations, sent an open letter to the relevant EU policymakers engaging with the Copyright Directive, […]

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OFE Suggestions for Cybersecurity Act Trilogue

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#SaveCodeshare: A Cocktail Event

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Project FOSS4SME to develop free online educational resource to encourage open software digital transformation

Continue readingabout Project FOSS4SME to develop free online educational resource to encourage open software digital transformation