New OSOR report about open source in Japan

22 August 2023

Author: Axel Thévenet

OSOR has just published the first version of the report on the state of open source in Japan. This report is a comprehensive look at Japan’s use and policies on open source software (OSS) as of 2023. It showcases the evolution of such policies over recent years and features various examples of the use of open source in public administration.

In this report you will learn about the two main governmental actors working on open source, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the newly founded Digital Agency. 

You can also learn more about the strong open source civil society networks organised territorially and that address local problems. 

The report features a set of recent legislations related to the use of open source that indicates the recent renewed interest in the subject in Tokyo and the government. 

Finally, the report showcases a two-decade-long engagement from the government to support open source, as well as the participation in international cooperation from local actors. 

You can read the report here. There is also a shorter factsheet with highlights from the report here

We hope that you will enjoy this report. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at