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Trusted Cloud for the Enterprise –what are the key factors today?

*** White Paper now available ***The European Commission's Trusted Cloud Europe framework raises questions of trust and confidence in cloud computing. It seeks to encourage best practice and consensus building amongst both cloud providers and cloud users. And it sets thresholds for public procurement. Much positive work has been done but there’s more to do. […]

The Policy, Legal and Regulatory Implications of Regional Clouds

*** White Paper now available ***Time and time again people can hear references to "data Schengen area" or "fortress Europe". While some people raise concerns about the negative impact of such regional approach, others consider that reinforcing regional clouds might be the appropriate solution.During this second event of the OpenForum Academy Round Tables' Programme, stakeholders […]

Regulating a Borderless Internet : EU vs US Perspectives on Net Neutrality

*** White Paper now available ***Early  in 2015, the  Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission  presented his  plans to settle the Net Neutrality question, by applying  Title II  (common carrier) of the Communications Act of 1934 to the  internet in a  vote expected on February 26, 2015. At  the same  time on the other […]

The role of encryption in cloud computing for data privacy and security

*** White Paper now available ***A consensus is growing among IT security experts that security must focus on the data itself, instead of its physical location or the infrastructure (on-premise vs off-premise, specific geographic locations etc.). This helps ensure that data will remain safe even if physical access to the device holding the data is […]