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EU Open Source Policy Community Meeting 2021

24 September 2021


September 24, 2021
13:00 - 16:00 CEST

OFE is delighted to invite you to the EU Open Source Policy Community Meeting 2021 on 24th of September from 13:00 to 16:00 CEST.

As we have done now for many years, we will provide an open space to engage on topics brought by new and old members of the EU Open Source Policy Community. This is a great time to gather to discuss and share recent developments and insights. Open Source is higher up than ever on the agenda of the EU policy makers, which makes it essential to foster and further debate between and within the political and technical domains.

The focus will be talks for you, the community participants, and we encourage you to bring your stories and thoughts on EU Open Source policy matters!

This event is powered by Element.

Keynote Speaker

Marcel Kolaja

Vice President of the European Parliament The Greens, European Parliament


13:00 - 13:10
Welcome and Framing
13:10 - 13:20
MEP Marcel Kolaja

Open source in the policy domain: state of the art and upcoming developments in the European Parliament

13:20 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:50


Leaving Hotel California: interoperability and the Digital Markets Act

Vittorio Bertola

Open Source is not an option! Let’s be strategic about it!

Gaël Blondelle

The Many Hats of an OSPO Manager

Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar

Otevřená města on the way to become OSPO CZ

Jiří Marek

Open Collaboration for Digital Autonomy

Justin Colannino & Peter Cihon

What to expect for Digital Sovereignty after Germany’s federal election?

Peter Ganten

Evaluating the environmental footprint of X-Road

Petteri Kivimäki

Data, Open Source and Standards

Ray Walshe

NGI initiative: cross-pollination at the nexus of R&D, open source and EC policy

Michiel Leenaars

Time to open the tools of research: policy recommendations from the Gathering for Open Science Hardware

Julieta Arancio & Alexandre Hannud Abdo

Open source in public administration: what is missing, what we can do

Flavia Marzano

The Custodian: managing your open source supply chain

Peter Coates

15:50 - 16:00
Wrap-up and Future Plans

Call for Proposals

New for this year, as a result of the community growing quickly, is that we have a structured Call for Proposals (CfP). Members of the community are invited to propose talks by submitting a short (300 word) abstract in the registration form. Every speaker selected will have a 10-minutes slot at their disposal for the presentation, along with additional time for a short Q&A. The deadline for the submission of the CfP is the 5th of September at 23:59 CEST.

We ask you to abide by our OFE Community Participation Guidelines before and during the event. This event is not the place to engage in sales activities, or to debate the virtues of individual products and services—it is a forum meant to bring openness forward through policy discussions. 

We are open to all proposals, but we are particularly interested in talks from public officials, community organisations and talks on projects in Member States, both national and regional, on topics such as OSPOs, interoperability and digital autonomy.

The event will be virtual.

For any questions regarding the CfP process, please email

Register here

If you do not wish to submit a talk, simply ignore the text box.

    * Type of organisation

    * Mandatory field