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The Blockchain Revolution – How will it change the way we do Business and interact with Government?

26 May 2016


May 26, 2016
17:00 - 19:00 UTC+0

***White Paper now available***

Blockchain is the new hot topic, both in Brussels and around the world. The IT market is excited not only about distributed ledger technology, but the security possibilities it brings. All eyes are looking at how it disrupts the way we exchange and store data. But what is this technology all about, how does it work and what is meant by a ‘distributed’ ledger? How can ledger technology assist governments in providing better suited services for citizens and how to ensure that the underlying technology is not confused with its use cases, e.g. Bitcoin?

European Commission officials suggest it may be too early to regulate such a nascent technology, while the Council pushes for legislation on virtual currencies by the end of June. Meanwhile, the EP plenary is expected to vote in May its own initiative report on “Virtual Currencies”.



  • Fabrizio Sestini, Senior Expert  for Digital Social Innovation, DG CONNECT European Commission; 
  • John Palfreyman, Director – Blockchain, IBM Cloud Division;
  • Daniele De Gennaro, Team Leader, European Banking Federation; 
  • Catherine Mulligan, Associate Director, IC3RE (Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering)


Our panel will cover these issues and more, in a discussion moderated by Dr. Alea Fairchild, Professor at KU Leuven and also OFE Academic Fellow. The event will be followed by a reception.

Image credit by Toria, via