OFE Team @ FOSDEM 2023

25 January 2023

Author: Astor Nummelin Carlberg

Make sure you catch OFE at FOSDEM 2023! 

The Coming EU Standard-Essential Patents regulation

In early 2023, the European Commission will publish its proposal for a regulation on Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs) to address issues of legal uncertainty, the vulnerability of SMEs, and transaction costs. This regulation could bring some peace of mind, or it could make matters worse. 

TrackLegal and Policy Issues devroom
Room: UB5.132
Day: Saturday
Start: 17:00

Ciarán O’Riordan, Senior Policy Advisor, OpenForum Europe
Panos Alevropoulos, Administrator, End Software Patents

The New EU Interoperable Europe Act and the Reuse of Software in Public Administration

Implications for OSS in Public Administrations

The European Commission’s Open Source Observatory (OSOR) Team will present the recently proposed Interoperable Europe Act (IEA) and its implications for the open source ecosystem. Published by the European Commission in November 2022, the IEA aims to reinforce the cross-border interoperability of the public sector in the EU. Practically, it aims to facilitate “the co-creation of an ecosystem of interoperability solutions across the EU”

TrackPublic Code and Digital Public Goods devroom
Room: AW1.120
Day: Sunday
Start: 11:50

Ciarán O’Riordan, for the European Commission’s Open Source Observatory Team

Open Tech After Work, Saturday 4 February

OFE invites you together with LF Europe, Eclipse Foundation, OSTIF and OSPO++ for a social gathering on Saturday 4 February!

Register here!